What is the Trade Integrity Project?
Global supply chains are notoriously opaque. This lack of visibility means that many companies may see their products, including Common High Priority List (CHPL) items, delivered to military customers or end users without their knowledge or consent.
The Trade Integrity Project is an attempt to make global supply chains more transparent, leveraging public data to assist companies seeking to better understand the flow of goods to the Russian Federation.
How is this resource compiled?
TIP is built on publicly available global trade data from the year 2023. Data was filtered to show only transactions where the HS classification matched goods listed under CHPL Tier 1 and Tier 4b. These tiers comprise "items of the highest concern due to their critical role in the production of advanced Russian precision-guided weapons systems, Russia's lack of domestic production, and limited global manufacturers," and include items such as microelectronics and computer numerical control (CNC) machines.
Public data sources used to inform TIP may contain errors, inconsistencies, and blank fields. TIP works to correct all such errors - if you believe you have discovered an error on the site, please get in touch at the link above.
How can I use this resource?
TIP aims to promote transparency in international trade, and is free for any approved use. We encourage researchers interested in exploring the data further to be in touch via [email protected]
Any reliance you place on the information contained in the Trade Integrity Project (TIP) is strictly at your own risk. If you intend to use TIP for any other purpose (including, without limitation, to commence legal proceedings, take steps or decline to take steps or otherwise deal with any named person or entity), you must first undertake and rely on your own independent research to verify the information.
To the fullest extent permitted by law, TIP and its providers shall not be liable for any loss or damage of any nature whether foreseeable or unforeseeable (including, without limitation, in defamation) arising from or in connection with the reproduction, reliance on or use of any of the information contained in this service by you or any third party. References to TIP and its authors include without limitation all directors and employees of entities involved in supporting the creation of this service.
TIP, and this service and does not impute any allegations of wrongdoing on the part of any named individuals/companies/governments, and makes no representations or assertion that these individuals/companies/governments have any involvement in any sanctions or export controls evasion-related activity or are involved in directly or indirectly supplying the Russian military and/or Russian military customers in breach of any international (or their own domestic) laws or regulations restricting or prohibiting such action, unless expressly stated.